Judy W. Reed - is widely acknowledged as the first African American woman to be awarded a patent in the United States on September 23, 1884. Reed submitted a patent application for her “Dough Kneader and Roller” in the month of January in the year 1884. The submission was for an updated and more efficient design of previously existing dough kneaders. As the dough passed over two intermeshed rollers cut with corrugated slats that would function as kneaders, Reed’s invention allowed for a more equitable distribution of mixing throughout the process. After that, the dough was transferred into a container with a lid in order to shield it from the dust and other particles floating in the air. Reed’s innovation was awarded patent number 305,474 on September 23, 1884, and was granted the patent for it. Prior to a 2011 report published by Black Past about Reed, there were no detailed records of her life.