The Cosby Show - The series aired from September 20, 1984, to April 30, 1992, on NBC. It focuses on the Huxtables, an upper-middle-class African-American family living in Brooklyn, New York. The series was based on comedy routines in Cosby's stand-up comedy act, which in turn were based on his family life. The show's portrayal of a successful, stable black family was praised by some for breaking racial stereotypes and showing another part of the African-American experience.
The show focuses on the Huxtable family, an African-American upper-class family, living in a brownstone in Brooklyn Heights, New York, at 10 Stigwood Avenue. The father is Cliff Huxtable, an obstetrician and son of a prominent jazz trombonist. The mother is his wife, lawyer Clair Huxtable.
They have four daughters and one son: Sondra, Denise, Theo, Vanessa, and Rudy. Despite its comedic tone, the show sometimes involves serious subjects, like Theo's experiences dealing with dyslexia, inspired by Cosby's dyslexic son, Ennis. The show also deals with teenage pregnancy when Denise's friend Veronica (Lela Rochon) becomes pregnant. The show was a standing program in many Black households for years.
The series was followed by a spin-off, titled A Different World, broadcast from 1987 to 1993 for 144 episodes in six seasons.
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